Day 11: Today our rhyme has to be about trees. Not least because they have cut them all down outside where we live. All because Mum mentioned that one of the young trees was bending and bouncing over the road like it was about to fall on someone. So instead of just cutting one down, they cut them all down.
Could this be called a tree massacre?
tree flopping over outside my house
Outside my house grow lots of trees,
Today cut straight down to their knees.
The branches shrunk,
Right to their trunk,
No more to sway in a gentle breeze.
We could have written about the jungle outside, or the trees in my Granny's Magic garden. We could have made a rhyme about Ents, or Christmas trees, or even the Ash tree that is under threat in the UK from a nasty attacking fungus, but instead we wrote about the trees that used to give us wonderful shade. Now they are gone, all carted away on large trucks.
There are lots of brilliant words that rhyme with trees. We found that we could have written this rhyme very differently with words like sneeze and peas, chickpeas and bumblebees. Max also pointed out that there were three words that sounded the same, but mean very different things: frees (as in freedom) and freeze (as in frozen) and frieze (as in a decoration or screen).
Maybe that can be another project for us to do, to find as many words that sound the same, but do not look the same?