Saturday, 19 October 2013


Day 19: Finally, after sausages and cheese, we have... ...pie!


Once a man made a pie,
That could really make a lie.
He stuffed it with cheese,
And frozen peas,
And called it chicken pie.

The man actually gave the pie the power to talk. He threw in some magic ingredients along with some very strange liquids that created a perfect chemical reaction, causing the pie to have vocal chords. 

Joe's Toe

Day 18: Friday was rather busy, and we never found much time to write, however we did start a rhyme that we had to finish today (day 19). So we will have two rhymes today by the time we have finished.

We ate pasta for lunch yesterday, back to our favourite pasta haunt in Singapore. Then we wandered over to a strangely named Union Building in Tras Street to drop off a couple of copies of Mum's new book: Mayan Cocoa: A Halloween Tale. All ready for Halloween and to celebrate All Hallow's Eve.

Joe's Toe

A grumpy old man named Joe,
Had a habit of stubbing his toe.
So he wore a steel boot
And played on his flute,
While praying for the weather to snow.

It seems to be getting harder to write rhymes - or maybe we are choosing silly subjects.

Thursday, 17 October 2013


Day17: It was a hot day today and we went out. I suppose like mad dogs and English men (or rather English kids with their English Mum).

We hurtled down a concrete luge, gosh my backside after that. Then took a jolty ride to Underwater World, where we got accosted by rays conditioned to believe that as we were standing next to the tank, we were going to feed them. We had a travelator virtually all to ourselves and then got a shock from a hologram shark. Our favourite creatures and the sea angels, their insides glow red as they float around in a surreal blue.

Sitting in the cool now, the day drawing to a close, the subject of balloons, and baboons came up. So, that is what our rhyme is about today. This is was a hugely "joint effort" due to the heat and fatigue.


A band of smelly baboons,
Flying multicoloured balloons,
Went out for a walk,
With a knife and a fork,
And a bag full of wooden spoons.

I am not sure that baboons really like balloons, but you never know.

Wednesday, 16 October 2013


Day 16: We are all rather tired today, so naturally the topic of sleep was chosen as our rhyme for today.

Max found a number of words that he liked, that rhymed with sleep: weep, creep, deep, beep, cheap and cheep, heap, keep, leap, peep, reap, seep. The next task was to decide which ones we wanted to use and what we wanted to say about sleep.

If you don't get enough sleep, it can make you very grumpy and totally ruin your day. So, it is extremely important that you get your head on a pillow early and benefit from some quality dream time.

This brings me on to a poem that I wrote a couple of weeks ago about being tired, you can find a copy of it on Limey Limericks: Being Tired. It really is rather unpleasant being tired.


Not having enough sleep,
Makes you grumpy and weep.
You're drowsy all day,
What more can I say?
Head on your pillow, sleep deep.

It always feels very satisfying when you have had a good night's sleep.

Tuesday, 15 October 2013


Day 15: Today has been one of those days. By one of those days, I mean we got very little sleep last night. We were entertained by one of those humungous electric storms that Singapore is so fortunate to receive rather more frequently than on average.

Flashes of lightening, thunder that rumbled like someone's stomach was churning with excruciating hunger, crackles and bangs as the lightening made earth and then the rain. It is like being in an ultra noisy shower. Your senses are just bombarded, overloaded and then of course, you cannot sleep anymore.

I reckon this is what turns people into zombies, not being bitten by some strange alien, but rather being subjected to a cacophony of inclement weather sounds.

And so, today, it is my turn to write a rhyme, and for Max to edit / approve it before we publish.

The Big Storm

Last night there was a thunder storm,
It kept me scared right up till dawn.
The thunder clapped,
The lightening snapped.
So now all day I know I'll yawn.

I also had another thought:

A mighty storm raged last night,
It gave me such a terrible fright,
The thunder thumped,
And I just jumped,
It sounded like a meteorite.

Max's comments were approval, and he has promised that after taking a break today because he did not get much sleep either, that he will be back rhyming with Mum with extra enthusiasm tomorrow.

I am sure there are more rhymes in my head and more to come from Max, we have another 16 days to get creative. 

Monday, 14 October 2013


Day 14: A momentous day, we have reached the two week mark! Fourteen limericks. This is quite an achievement and we are building quite a routine. Writing needs routine, although when you write to a routine, sometimes you meet a brick wall. What do I write? How do I make my poem rhyme?

This is where lemons come in. Today, we are writing about lemons. Max's choice, no doubt inspired by an episode of Doc Martin where a patient has to suck on a lemon and another one is diagnosed with scurvy. All the more reason to eat your fruit and vegetables and take Vitamin C.


Lemons, yellow, juicy and sour,
Drink a glass for superpower,
Add some water, and you've made,
A refreshing cup of lemonade.
That tastes much better than cauliflower.

Lemons certainly do taste nicer than cauliflower.

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Washing the car

Day 13: We were a bit late sharing our post from yesterday, but nevertheless, we did. We also washed the car this morning. It was filthy. I realised just how much brake dust gets deposited on the wheels, it made my hands and the sponge go black.

What better subject to tackle than washing the car? There's soap, water, sponges, wheels, dirt, brake dust and hoses that burst under pressure and get Mum all wet.  

Washing the car

Washing a car can be such fun
Sunday morning in the sun,
The wheels were really dirty,
Which made me feel quite thirsty,
Soap, water, sponge, then you're done.

Washing the car is fun but hard work and it made me feel incredibly thirsty.