Wednesday, 16 October 2013


Day 16: We are all rather tired today, so naturally the topic of sleep was chosen as our rhyme for today.

Max found a number of words that he liked, that rhymed with sleep: weep, creep, deep, beep, cheap and cheep, heap, keep, leap, peep, reap, seep. The next task was to decide which ones we wanted to use and what we wanted to say about sleep.

If you don't get enough sleep, it can make you very grumpy and totally ruin your day. So, it is extremely important that you get your head on a pillow early and benefit from some quality dream time.

This brings me on to a poem that I wrote a couple of weeks ago about being tired, you can find a copy of it on Limey Limericks: Being Tired. It really is rather unpleasant being tired.


Not having enough sleep,
Makes you grumpy and weep.
You're drowsy all day,
What more can I say?
Head on your pillow, sleep deep.

It always feels very satisfying when you have had a good night's sleep.

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